Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Joke of the day - divorce lawyer of judgement day

Chicago area divorce lawyer died and found its way to the gate of heaven. Saint Peter asks him, "What did you do merit entrance into heaven?" The lawyer thought a moment and replied, "Last month I gave a quarter to a homeless person on the street." Peter asked Gabriel check this out in the record, and after a moment Gabriel confirmed that this was indeed true.

Saint Peter said: "well, that's fine, but that alone is just not enough to keep you in the sky." The lawyer quickly Avenged "Wait Wait!", There's more!"Four years ago I have an another homeless person a quarter."Saint Peter Gabriel, nodded back nodded after a moment, confirming this had been to checked.

Saint Peter, whispered, insecure, Gabriel, "well, what we suggest you with this guy to do?"The lawyer was Gabriel sidelong glance, then St. Peter said,

"Let's him back his 50 cent and tell him go to hell."


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