Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Joke of the day - redneck logic

Two rednecks decided that were not in the life and thought you should go to the College forward.

The first was under consultants who told, for him to mathematics, logic, history and select.

"What is logic?" which asked first redneck.

The Professor answered, "" Let me an example nennen.besitzen a weed Eater you? ""

"I do safely."

"Then probably can use logic, you have a courtyard," replied the professor.

", Which is really good!" said the redneck.

The Professor continued, "logic is also tell me have a courtyard, have a House."

Impressed, said the redneck, "Impressive!"

"And you have a House, logic determines that you have a woman."

"This is Betty Mae! this is unbelievable!"

Was redneck to intercept.

"Finally, because you can take a woman I logically it they are heterosexual," that the professor said.

"You are totally right! therefore, the most fascinatin ', what I ever heard! I cain ' t wait this logic class!"

Redneck, where is was proud of the new world that was opening for him, again the gang his friend always or wait.

"What classes of ya takin ' are?" asked the friend.

"Mathematics, history, and logic!" replied the first redneck.

"What in Tarnation is logic?" asked his friend.

"Let me an example nennen.Ya a weed Eater have?"the asked first redneck.

"No," replied to his friend.

"You are queer, ain ' t ya?"


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