Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Joke of the day - the sausage and the cat

one day a small cat sat hungry by a river, a small Chipalata sausage came flowing Past…. the cat of his paw uses to obtain the Chipalata and it wet managed to not even. The cat was happy! The next day, which was also how hungry day when a larger sausages came over in the river flow which got slightly wet cat in its paw to get submerged to the sausage and his paw, the cat was happy! The next day was flowing past dipped hungerndie cat cat absolutely when a massive Frankfurt Wopper came, got his paw but fell! But the cat is obtained the sausage, and it was happy. Morality or the story Is…………. the greater the Sausage…. the weather of the pussy!

View the original article here

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