Friday, November 26, 2010

Land policy joke

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A bus load of politicians were on a road, if suddenly the bus ran away from the road and plunged into an old farmer's barn.

The old farmer got out of his tractor and went to investigate.

Soon he dug a hole and bury the politicians.

A few days later, the local sheriff came out, saw the crashed bus and the old farmer asked where all politicians had gone.

The old farmer told him he had buried you.

The Sheriff asked the old farmer "Healing, you were dead all?"

The old farmer said "well, some of you said you were not, but you know how politicians lie crooked."

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It was a MOM Mole, a Papa moles and a baby Mole.Sie lived his head from which reached into a hole outside a farm house out on Land.Die Papa Mole...

A brunette is through the country, foot, if a bottle findet.Sie rubs and you guessed it, a genius is angezeigt.Die genius says, have three wishes sind.Aber allowed, I must warn you anything...

View the original article here

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