Monday, January 24, 2011

Sex therapy joke, Florida style

Magic frog to A Prince stupid prank gift

Some Florida, both well in your 1980s, go to a sex therapist's Office.

The sex doctor asks: "What I can do for you?"

The man says: "you will see us wants to have sex?"

The sex doctor solves both eyebrows, but he is so amazed that such an elderly couple for sexual advice is needed that he agrees.

When the couple is complete the sex doctor says "There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you have sexual intercourse." He thanks you for you come, he wishes you good luck, it loads $50 and saying goodbye.

The next week, however, the pair are back and asks the sex therapist to see again. The sex therapist is a bit confused, but true.

In this case several weeks in a row. The pair makes an appointment, who pays the sex doctor then leave sex with no problems.

Finally, after 5 or 6 weeks this routine, the sex therapist says, "I'm sorry but I have issues." "Exactly what try to figure?"

The old man says, we do not try, find out everything. Is married and we are not going to your home. I am married and we can go home to me. The Holiday Inn fees $98. The Hilton fees $139. We do it here for $50 and I get back from Medicare… $43!

View the original article here

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