Friday, July 30, 2010

For holy men sexual perceptions joke

Posted in religious jokes

Three married men died and went the pearly gates in the Himmel.Bei St. Peter asked each of them how many times you have cheated their wives.

First man: Never!

St. Peter examined his book and gave him a Rolls Royce drive during his stay in the sky.

Second man: AAH, 25 - 30 times.

A Ford Pinto gave him St. Peter.

Third man: maybe, 400-500 times.

St. Peter gave him a bicycle.

A few months later for the three trafen.Die Pinto driver and bike riders were surprised as you noticed the Rolls Royce man was very sad.

Second and third men: Why the sad face?

First man: I saw my wife, was on a skateboard!

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