1. Never give work me in the morning.Always up to 1800 hours wait and then bring it to mir.Die is refreshing challenge a period.
(2) If it is really a "rush job," lead in and every 10 minutes break me ask how it helps geht.Das.Or better yet hover behind me, advised me on every keystroke.
3. Always, leave me without telling anyone where gehen.Es is a chance to be creative when someone asks where you are.
4. If my arms full of papers are not boxes, books or accessories, the door open. Must I learn as paraplegic and to open, without arms training is good doors.
5. If you give me more than a job to do, say that me the priority.It is a psychic.
6. Do your best to keep me late.I pray this post and really nowhere to go or do something haben.Ich have no life outside of work. 7. If a job I do like it, you keep it a secret.If that gets it could mean a promotion.
8 If you don't like my work to tell everyone.I like my name in talks to be popular.I was born to whipped cream.
9. If you have special instructions for a job, you write you.In fact, save you, until the job is almost fertig.Keine use confusing me with useful information.
10. Never imagine, those who have been using sind.Ich no right nothing knowing me.I am plankton in the military food chain.If you will refer to you, my wise prints will identify.
11. Say all your small Probleme.Niemand otherwise got me, over all, and it is nice to know someone is like less Glück.besonders me history you pay enough taxes on the new Navigator.
12. Wait until my efficiency annual report and then tell me what mean targets his sollte.Geben been a mediocre performance Rating.Ich am not here for the money anyway.
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