Sunday, July 25, 2010

Joke of the day - make a marriage last...

My wife and I have the secrets that a marriage last...

Twice a week, we go to a nice restaurant, a little wine, good food and companionship.She goes dienstags.Ich go every Friday.

We sleep in separate Betten.Hers is in Florida, me is in New York.

I take my wife everywhere, but keeps your way to find back.

I asked my wife, "where to go for our anniversary?"
"Somewhere, that I have in a long time been!"
So I suggested "How about the kitchen?"

We keep getting hands.When I release shops you.

It has an electric mixer, electric toaster and electric bread Hersteller.Dann said, "there are too many gadgets and no place to the sit!", so I bought her an electric chair.

My wife told me that the car was not running well there was water in the Vergaser.Als I asked where was the car, told me "into the Lake."

My wife is a new diet. coconuts and Bananen.Sie has not waned, but BOY, can climb a tree now!

She got a mud wrap and saw great for two Tage.Dann mud fell...

Ran the garbage truck, screaming, "am I too late for the trash?"The driver said: "no, jump in!"


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