Monday, July 26, 2010

Joke of the day - redneck at the bar

A barman was one afternoon glass wash when older Irish in came.

Be hoisted with great difficulty the Irishman moved painfully bad leg over the bar stools and asked for a mouthful of Irish whiskey.

Irish saw the bar and said: "That Jesus down there is?"The bartender nodded, so the Irishman said him Jesus a to give Irish whiskey.

That was to come next patron Italian an ailing with bent back moved very slowly.

He mixed up the bar stools and asked for a glass of Chianti.

He saw the bar and asked whether Jesus sit at the bar.

The bartender nodded, so a glass of Chianti, the Italian said to him to give.

Enter the third patron of the bar was a redneck swaggered in the bar and hollered, "bartender, set me a cold!""Hey, is that God boy down there?"

The bartender nodded so that said redneck a him a cold for Jesus to give.

Like Jesus stand to leave, he went to the Irish and touched him and said, "for your kindness, healed are!"

The Irishman felt the strength again to his leg, so he got up and danced a jig out the door.

Jesus touched the Italian and said, "for your kindness, healed are!"

The Italian felt his back straight, so he raised hands over his head and a flip out the door action.

Jesus walked redneck on that, but the redneck sprang back and exclaimed, "Don ' T touch me! I am drawing disability!"


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