Saturday, July 17, 2010

Joke of the day - naming the twins

A man took his wife, who was pregnant with twins in the hospital, went and crashed his car out of control.

He saw his brother, a relentless practical Joker, regaining consciousness, sitting at his side bed.

He asked his brother, as was his wife and his brother said: "Don't worry, everybody is fine and have a son and a daughter."

But the hospital was in a hurry, the real
"Get birth certificates, which are placed and because both you and your wife were unconscious, I called for you."

The man thought to yourself, "Oh no, what he has done now?"and with some trepidation, asked"well, BRO what you name?"

And, his brother replied: "I the girl Denise called."

The husband, facilitates, said: "this is a nice name! and what you come with for my son?"

The brother waved and replied: "Denephew."


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