The army is known for its policy especially when the top brass is involved. We were asked to do Mittland channel in Germany with a bridge demolition on the. That we where visit CRE when get task was almost complete and we have not been visited had decided we should have a break and some rays. Come from a helicopter hear after we all rushed back to the bridges and waited until the CRE had landed before getting in with our prestigious tasks. A junior NCO worked on the Dems ladders on the side of the bridge. How the CRE was visit had worn a seat belt are at work on the pages or up top of the bridge. Then drive this junior NCO with his belt clip, what he thought was by the head and continue to lean back.However in his haste for the CRE look he had forgotten to place the belt through the rungs of the ladder on worn he sit back until he water 20 ft below with a big shot getroffen.Nach which hear this this leaned before the page at the sight of all the rest of the troops NCO swimming in the channel everyone a bust out with laughter including CRE.
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