Redneck Jokes 1 to 100
Other Redneck Jokes
Redneck Jokes 1 to 100
Redneck Jokes 101 to 200
Redneck Jokes 201 to 300
Redneck Jokes 301 to 400
Redneck Jokes 401 to 500
Redneck Jokes 501 to 600
Redneck Jokes 601 to 700
Redneck Jokes 701 to 800
Redneck Jokes 801 to 900
Redneck Joke 01
You might be a redneck if a full tank of gas doubles the value of your truck.
Redneck Joke 02
You might be a redneck if a woman says she’s game, so you shoot her.
Redneck Joke 03
You might be a redneck if all of the light switches in your house are wired to turn on the light on the front porch.
Redneck Joke 04
You might be a redneck if all of your favorite shirts came with a two-pack purchase of cigarettes.
Redneck Joke 05
You might be a redneck if all you want for Christmas is deer pee.
Redneck Joke 06
You might be a redneck if an expired license plate means another decoration for your living room wall.
Redneck Joke 07
You might be a redneck if any of your children were conceived under a stop light.
Redneck Joke 08
You might be a redneck if any of your hobbies require dogs and a lantern.
Redneck Joke 09
You might be a redneck if any of your honeymoon plans involve a deer camp.
Redneck Joke 10
You might be a redneck if anyone in your family has ever purchased peroxide in a gallon container.
Redneck Joke 11
You might be a redneck if are missing a lot of teeth.
Redneck Joke 12
You might be a redneck if both your house and car are on blocks.
Redneck Joke 13
You might be a redneck if chiggers are included on your list of top five hygiene concerns.
Redneck Joke 14
You might be a redneck if directions to your house include “turn off the paved road”
Redneck Joke 15
You might be a redneck if during the wedding ceremony the minister said, “Do you, DeWayne, take Connie to be your old lady?”
Redneck Joke 16
You might be a redneck if everything you won at the fair is hanging from your rearview mirror.
Redneck Joke 17
You might be a redneck if fine dining is the Waffle House.
Redneck Joke 18
You might be a redneck if for your first anniversary you take your wife to dinner at the Wal-mart snack bar.
Redneck Joke 19
You might be a redneck if Friday night is “sneak into the drive-in night”.
Redneck Joke 20
You might be a redneck if getting a package from your post office requires a full tank of gas in the truck.
Redneck Joke 21
You might be a redneck if grass is growing in the floor boards of your car.
Redneck Joke 22
You might be a redneck if Hank Williams, Jr. is your hero.
Redneck Joke 23
You might be a redneck if hot dogs and pork-n-beans are your favorite Sunday night dinner.
Redneck Joke 24
You might be a redneck if the dashboard of your work vehicle is covered with empty cigarette cartons and Mountain Dew bottles
Redneck Joke 25
You might be a redneck if you think hocking loogies onto oncoming vehicles should be an Olympic sport.
Redneck Joke 26
You might be a redneck if in preparation for your upcoming wedding, your register your Tupperware pattern.
Redneck Joke 27
You might be a redneck if instead of buying your girlfriend candy and flowers, you spray paint her name on an overpass.
Redneck Joke 28
You might be a redneck if it took the smartest kid in your 6th-grade class three times to pass his driving test.
Redneck Joke 29
You might be a redneck if it took you twenty years to figure out how to add single digit numbers.
Redneck Joke 30
You might be a redneck if it’s impossible to see food stains on the fabric of your work uniform.
Redneck Joke 31
You might be a redneck if Jack Daniel’s makes your list of most admired people.
Redneck Joke 32
You might be a redneck if making beer is a neighborhood project.
Redneck Joke 33
You might be a redneck if no matter how you clean your hands, the dirt under your nails won’t come off.
Redneck Joke 34
You might be a redneck if none of these jokes are making sense to you.
Redneck Joke 35
You might be a redneck if on cold nights, your dog sleeps on the bed and your wife doesn’t.
Redneck Joke 36
You might be a redneck if on Thanksgiving Day you have to decide which pet to eat.
Redneck Joke 37
You might be a redneck if on the 4th of July you spend it at the waffle house beside a drunk while waiting to get your pastor out of jail (true story).
Redneck Joke 38
You might be a redneck if one of your fantasies involves a bulldozer.
Redneck Joke 39
You might be a redneck if people come to your door mistakenly thinking you have an auto salvage business.
Redneck Joke 40
You might be a redneck if people don’t recognize your car without a dead animal on the hood.
Redneck Joke 41
You might be a redneck if people hear your car a long time before they see it.
Redneck Joke 42
You might be a redneck if PMS stands for “Parent Medical System.”
Redneck Joke 43
You might be a redneck if Rocky Top is your favorite song (for all the Vols fans!).
Redneck Joke 44
You might be a redneck if somebody says, “HO DOWN” and your wife falls to the ground!!
Redneck Joke 45
You might be a redneck if someone accuses you of lying through your tooth.
Redneck Joke 46
You might be a redneck if someone asks, “Where’s your bowling bag?” and you answer, “She’s at home with the kids.”
Redneck Joke 47
You might be a redneck if someone can circumcise you by kicking your little sister in the jaw.
Redneck Joke 48
You might be a redneck if stealing road signs is a family outing.
Redneck Joke 49
You might be a redneck if taking your wife on a cruise means circling the Dairy Queen.
Redneck Joke 50
You might be a redneck if that billboard that says, “Say No To Crack” reminds you to pull up your jeans.
Redneck Joke 51
You might be a redneck if that white tailed deer is being paid 10 bucks an hour to stand on a ladder behind your wall and stick his head in.
Redneck Joke 52
You might be a redneck if the air freshener hanging in your car lost its scent more than 5 years ago.
Redneck Joke 53
You might be a redneck if the auto junkyard calls you to get spare parts.
Redneck Joke 54
You might be a redneck if the best 5 years of your life were in the second grade.
Redneck Joke 55
You might be a redneck if the biggest city you’ve ever been to is Wal-Mart.
Redneck Joke 56
You might be a redneck if the bouquet at your wedding was stolen from a cemetery.
Redneck Joke 57
You might be a redneck if the church social committee is afraid to meet at your house.
Redneck Joke 58
You might be a redneck if the emergency room nurse knows everyone in your family by name.
Redneck Joke 59
You might be a redneck if the fairground’s main attraction is to see who can throw cow pie the farthest!
Redneck Joke 60
You might be a redneck if the figures on your wedding cake wore overalls.
Redneck Joke 61
You might be a redneck if the first question your mother asks upon checking into the motel is, “Where’s the nearest liquor store?”
Redneck Joke 62
You might be a redneck if the first thing you do in the morning is check your critter trap, and you’re disappointed when it is empty.
Redneck Joke 63
You might be a redneck if the flood history of your area can be seen on your living room walls.
Redneck Joke 64
You might be a redneck if the fountain at your wedding spewed beer instead of champagne.
Redneck Joke 65
You might be a redneck if the front license plate of your car has the words “Foxy Lady” written in airbrush.
Redneck Joke 66
You might be a redneck if the game warden knows the serial numbers to your guns by heart.
Redneck Joke 67
You might be a redneck if the gazebo in your yard is bigger than your trailer.
Redneck Joke 68
You might be a redneck if the highlight of your day is finding the prize in a Cracker Jack box.
Redneck Joke 69
You might be a redneck if the hood of your truck is higher than the roof of your house.
Redneck Joke 70
You might be a redneck if the landscaping in your front yard is broken down cars.
Redneck Joke 71
You might be a redneck if the last time you saw your daddy outside, he was picking up trash, chained to three other guys.
Redneck Joke 72
You might be a redneck if the library in your city ran out of the book “The ABC’s of Belching”.
Redneck Joke 73
You might be a redneck if the Marlboro man is your idol.
Redneck Joke 74
You might be a redneck if the most common phrase you hear at your family reunion is “What the hell are you looking’ at Diphead?”
Redneck Joke 75
You might be a redneck if the most common phrase in your house is “someone go jiggle the handle.”
Redneck Joke 76
You might be a redneck if the nearest liquor store is brewing in your basement.
Redneck Joke 77
You might be a redneck if the newspaper (the business) is the community toilet paper.
Redneck Joke 78
You might be a redneck if the only songs you know on guitar are Lynard Skynard songs.
Redneck Joke 79
You might be a redneck if the other 13 trailers out back of yours belong to your children and their families.
Redneck Joke 80
You might be a redneck if the passengers enter your vehicle through the driver’s-side door.
Redneck Joke 81
You might be a redneck if the police are looking for you in a brown truck so you wiped off the mud a bit so they wouldn’t recognize you.
Redneck Joke 82
You might be a redneck if the receptionist is responsible for checking the rat traps at your place of business.
Redneck Joke 83
You might be a redneck if the Salvation Army comes to your house and takes the wrong furniture.
Redneck Joke 84
You might be a redneck if the seats in your car are also your living room furniture.
Redneck Joke 85
You might be a redneck if the strongest smell in your house is butane.
Redneck Joke 86
You might be a redneck if the tailgate on your truck is also your lawn furniture.
Redneck Joke 87
You might be a redneck if the town policeman stops by so much, you know his 5th grade GPA.
Redneck Joke 88
You might be a redneck if the UFO hotline limits you to one call per day.
Redneck Joke 89
You might be a redneck if the velvet paintings in your house were bought from an art dealer on the side of the highway.
Redneck Joke 90
You might be a redneck if the words Nascar, tire, dog or shotgun appeared in your wedding vows.
Redneck Joke 91
You might be a redneck if there are antlers nailed to the outside of your house.
Redneck Joke 92
You might be a redneck if there are four pairs of pants and two squirrels hanging from your clothesline.
Redneck Joke 93
You might be a redneck if there are hubcap wind chimes anywhere on your block.
Redneck Joke 94
You might be a redneck if there are more dishes in your sink than in your cabinets.
Redneck Joke 95
You might be a redneck if there are more than 5 animals sleeping in your bed.
Redneck Joke 96
You might be a redneck if there is a restraining order on your pets.
Redneck Joke 97
You might be a redneck if there is anyone named Cletus in your family.
Redneck Joke 98
You might be a redneck if there is bungee cord holding your bumper on to your car.
Redneck Joke 99
You might be a redneck if there is more carpet on your toilet than on your floors.
Redneck Joke 100
You might be a redneck if there is trophy in your house with the word “spitting” on it.
If you find these jokes not to your taste and would like to discuss racism, please go to this Racism Discussion Forum.
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