Monday, July 5, 2010

General store sales pitch

Posted in really funny jokes

A manager at a general store is a young, newly recruited young, like people more than you really want to sell. Suddenly, a man goes questions for a bag of grass.The Manager walks up to him and says, "natürlich.Aber you will want to be a lawn mower, also right?"

The man asks, "Why would I be?"

The manager responds, "because when the lawn seeds grows you something that need the grass cutting."

, The man buys a Rasenmäher.Dann will a surprising man walks in and ask for a box of Tampax.Der Manager joins the newly hired junge.Der young walks up to the man and says "Right away, Sir.Aber, of course, will want to become a lawn mower, right?"

The shocked man asks, "Why?"

The young man then responds, "Well, your weekend screwed." so can the lawn to mow


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